Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Meet and greet with my OB

Finally I was able to meet my OB at Delgado this morning. The first time I was supposed to have a check up with her, she was at a conference and a different doctor attended to me instead. Not much was discussed and she didn’t examine me. She just looked at my ultrasound and also commented na maganda naman daw yung kapit. She gave prescription in case my constipation persists as well as prescription in case I would have persisting lower back ache and cramping (which I hope I don’t experience). I would be going back to her during the last week of June wherein my baby’s heartbeat may already be heard through a fetal doppler. We still haven’t decided fully if I would indeed give birth at Delgado or at Cardinal where my OB is also affiliated. We still need to weigh the pro’s and cons.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

8 weeks and 1 day

I was really excited and anxious at the same time to go to my perinatologist for my next ultrasound. She initially did my TVS 3 weeks ago and we only saw a gestational sac. Especially with my health condition, there is that possibility that it might not progress to a fetus. I did all my best to take care of myself, injecting insulin at the right time, eating at the right time and eating the right stuff. I do not want to jeopardize my baby’s health and is more than willing to do whatever sacrifices it would take just to make sure that we would have a normal healthy baby. What made me a bit more scared was that the past 2 days, my pregnancy symptoms were a bit lessened. My nipples weren’t too sore anymore (sorry, TMI!), and I don’t seem to urinate just as much as the past days. Crazy thoughts were indeed going through my mind and I just hated the paranoia! It even made me research on blighted ovum, which I was dearly praying not to have! Lying down and getting ready for my TVS was nerve wracking! I was just hoping and praying that all my efforts didn’t end in vain and that my baby is doing fine. And finally when I saw our baby on the screen, I almost got teary eyed! My perinatologist was also happy with what she saw. She said “very good! malakas ang kapit!” I breathe a sigh of relief and silently thanked God for this wonderful blessing. And finally the heartbeat of the baby can already be detected! It’s at 175bpm! Yey!!! Funny lang how she made hirit na isa lang naman daw. (The mom before me was having twins kasi). Well, that’s a relief! We’re good with just 1 for the mean time. We’ll probably add another in 2-3 years time. :) With my baby’s size, she estimated me to be 8 weeks and 1 day pregnant and forecasted my due date to be new year’s day! Wow! Our baby might have the same birthday as my mom! But then again, usually, women don’t really finish the entire 40 weeks and more or less give birth by the 38th week. So there’s that chance we’ll have the baby before Christmas (or maybe on Christmas day itself!). My husband and I are really happy to know that our baby is doing just fine. I couldn’t help have that smile on my face and once in awhile still get overwhelmed. I’d crazily say to my hubby every so often: “there’s baby inside me!” It’s such a wonderful crazy feeling. It’s super scary but I know everything will be worth it by the time we get our hands on our baby! I would be going back to my perinatologist by August when I’m 18-22 weeks into my pregnancy for the congenital anomaly screening. Now that’s another thing to worry about. I just really hope and pray that everything would be fine and that we would have a healthy normal baby! It’s going to be a long wait. I just have to make sure that I keep eating the right stuff and inject my insulin at the right time.