Thursday, December 20, 2012

Waiting Time

I guess patience is not so much one of my best virtues. Super inip much!!! I really hope baby dagny would come out already. As the days go by, I get more paranoid. I’m really hoping and praying that everything will be ok. My OB always reminds me to take note of baby’s movements, given that I’m diabetic. Even if my sugar level has been controlled, there’s always that impending possible complication *sigh*

I’d really prefer that baby would come out already before she becomes bigger and might be riskier for me to have a normal delivery. I’ve been doing a lot of walking lately, thanks to my very supportive hubby who’s been very patient with me. With my belly growing bigger and heavier by the day, it’s so tempting to just lie down and take lots of naps. It’s a good thing that hubby has been really urging me and encouraging me to do more walking. We’d pick different paths around the neighborhood every night. We even went walking around UP last sunday. Later we’ll probably do several rounds around the mall.

I was already at 2 cm last monday. But we still have to wait and see how this will progress since there are instances that one can last at 2-3 cm for even 3 weeks! Well, I hope that wouldn’t be my case. I’m really hoping I’d give birth before christmas. My OB has prescribed me to drink Eveprim, but I’ve been having a hard time finding one since most drugstores don’t have stocks of this. Good thing that there are alternate brands (naturalle and atc).

Anyway, this morning I already saw some mucous plug discharge. Well, I don’t want to be excited since it doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll give birth already. I’m really just getting anxious when baby will decide to come out. I wonder what my birthing story would be…

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